Pursuing a career in biology is stimulating and rewarding. The RSB support biologists with career advice, professional recognition and training events.
A course for Laboratory team leaders who want to improve the way they manage their teams and Postdoctoral researchers who aspire to team leadership po ...
SciberMonkey is an excellent website that points students and teachers to thousands of resources spanning age 5-16 biology chemistry and physics. The Practical Biology website has a wide variety of ...
We are committed to supporting and encouraging the study of biology at primary, secondary and tertiary levels across the UK, working in coordination with our member organisations and with the broader ...
On this page, you'll find some useful links to help you - from GCSEs to university and beyond.
The theme of the 2024 Royal Society of Biology Photography Competition was Transforming Life. The winners of this year’s photography competition have been announced. We invited submissions that ...
Some fungal species appear to be able to use strong radiation as an energy source for growth. Tom Ireland explores the exciting potential of these understudied organisms In the late 1980s Ukrainian ...
The resources are aimed at post-16 students taking biology (or related subjects) to A level, Scottish Higher or similar level. These will also be of use to first year undergraduates studying biology.
Jen provides support to the chief executive, council and senior management team and manages human resources. Mark is responsible for overall strategy of the RSB’s membership and activities relating to ...
Some universities have year long industrial placements built into their bioscience degree courses. Under the watch of an assigned supervisor they allow students to build upon skills learnt through ...
Bigfoot. Nessie. Yeti. Sea monsters. All terms mostly avoided by biologists, and all deemed synonymous with pseudoscience, pop culture and wishful thinking more than biology. Throughout history ...
Talks from industry professionals about the variety of careers available to bioscience graduates Skills workshops aimed at giving bioscience students the chance to learn more about essential skills, ...