前不久,继土耳其航空和新西兰航空之后,阿曼航空也宣布将取消了头等舱,并将其重新命名为「Business Studio」。如今,美国和欧洲的大多数航空公司都取消了头等舱,依然提供头等舱服务的航空公司,主要集中在亚洲尤其是中东的航空公司。
Record number of agreementshighlights district’s global influenceJing’an District is making bold strides on the global stage, ...
In June 2018, XPENG and Desay SV officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Guangzhou. Their collaboration on the ...
Please explain this sentence, with “bend your ear” in particular: He’ll bend your ear talking about politics, I warn you. If ...
The People's Bank of China unveiled the new re-lending facility on Sept. 24, with initial funding of 300 billion yuan, as ...
人人网 终究活成了“时代的眼泪” 面包店的镜子 套路也这么深了? 国际乒联混团世界杯:中国队晋级八强 高颜值“星月童话”12月5日再现夜空 ...
Delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the second China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) in Beijing, Vice-President Han Zheng said that China is willing to work with all ...
美国海军新型滨海战斗舰(LCS)「贝洛伊特」号(USS Beloit)23日在密尔瓦基(Milwaukee)举行服役仪式,这艘耗资5 亿美元(近163亿台币)打造的军舰,主要用以在浅水域和公海作战。《商业内幕》(Business Insider ...
Join the Consulate General of Belgium in Guangzhou for a special 'Brilliant Belgium' night and take the chance to win a trip ...
莫尼什在内布拉斯加大学的演讲终极的“共赢”商业模式中说,巴菲特和芒格放弃了他们眼中“最好的生意之一”康伍德(美国第二大无烟烟草制造商),并由此论述了什么是“共赢”的商业模式。但耐人寻味的是,放弃收购一家烟草生产企业,并不代表伯克希尔从未涉足过烟草行业 ...