A cough without accompanying symptoms and started less than eight weeks ago can typically be treated from home. The biggest difference between treating a dry versus productive cough is that ...
Mullein is an expectorant, which means it helps the body expel excess mucus. It usually works by helping make your coughs more productive, allowing you to clear mucus from your chest or throat.
However, not all ailments can be treated with TTDS. Ionic medications, which include antacids and expectorants, demand other delivery systems. “The suitability of patches depends on the ...
Expectorants like guaifenesin are mucolytics that work by thinning respiratory mucus. Thinning mucus makes it easier to cough it up and out, helping relieve congestion. Your healthcare provider might ...
Suppressants are supposed to lessen your urge to cough. Expectorants thin mucus and make it easier to hack up. If you have a wet cough though, you need to bring that mucus up from your lungs.
A major new analysis involving more than 130million people has revealed that five types of commonly taken medications could raise the risk of dementia. Antipsychotics, some medications for high ...