Accretion disk of matter on the event horizon of black hole. Space, light and time are distorted by strong gravity Hyperspace Jump. Flying Through the Universe Lightspeed Tunnel.... Hyperspace Jump.
Black holes captivate scientists and the public. NASA's advanced technology provides visual glimpses into these mysteries, showcasing stunning images that reveal the universe's secrets.
Middle: Example images from a general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulation at two different times. Right: Same simulation snapshots, blurred to match the EHT’s observational resolution.
An artist's concept of the supermassive black hole's mid-infrared flare. Image: CfA/Mel Weiss Astronomers have detected a mid-infrared flare from the supermassive black hole at the heart of the ...
"Our measurements imply that the supermassive black hole mass is 10% of the stellar mass in the galaxies we studied." Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have discovered ...
Scientists captured the first black hole image using the Event Horizon Telescope, combining multiple telescopes via Very Long Baseline Interferometry to create a powerful virtual telescope.
New evidence that outbursts from black holes can help cool down gas.
Using telescopes like Hubble, researchers found a supermassive black hole in galaxy SDSS J1354+1327, 900 million light-years away, blowing hot gas bubbles. NGC 1275, or Perseus A, is a galaxy at the ...
Black holes aren't just gorging themselves on whatever cosmic material is readily available—they're preparing those meals for themselves. Data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory reveals that ...
And every single one of those dots would be an accreting supermassive black hole." The universe could be packed with many more monstrous black holes ravenously feeding on their surrounding ...