Many baby boomers are turning into baby boozers. They're hitting retirement, they have savings to spend, and they're enjoying a little life victory lap — accompanied by a glass of wine (or three).
If you want Americans to have more babies, it helps if it's cheap and easy to buy a house. The advent of mortgages with low down payments in the 1930s facilitated a sharp uptick in the US birth ...
Many Baby Boomers will approach or reach the full retirement age by the end of 2025, yet only one in 10 are fully retired. The rising cost of living continues to increase and has forced many Baby ...
London Zoo is experiencing a baby boom, with several endangered small mammals making their debut in the UK's largest living rainforest. The attraction's Rainforest Life habitat is now home to a ...
Baby Boomers and seniors now spend more time online than watching television, according to a report by Ipsos and Google. On average, seniors and Boomers (defined in the report as those age 45 or older ...
It means paying interest and, therefore, more money than you should. Plus, as baby boomers transition from a steady paycheck to a fixed income, paying off interest can become more difficult.
Baby Boomers have been called the “luckiest generation”, and when it comes to home ownership, this title is even more appropriate. But how did the Baby Boomers come to own so many homes?
We looked through the data for the Baby Boomers, including economic contributions, the impact of their lives, and social trends, to find if there has been any study conducted that can refute or ...
It has become commonplace to blame the Baby Boomers for much of the economic woes and unprecedented level of wealth inequality in the United States, but is this blame based in reality? Is the rage ...
Aphrodite’s Fertility Fest is here and baby fever is at an all time high; Ty tries to relax at a bathhouse but it’s proving difficult to let loose. If there’s anyone on Krapopolis that I wouldn’t want ...
As baby boomers continue to retire in droves, they are likely to consider downsizing their living arrangements to accommodate their new lifestyles. While they have the highest portion of wealth ...