Cardiac catheterization is a procedure in which a long, flexible tube (catheter) is put into a blood vessel. The doctor then guides the catheter into the heart to find and treat heart problems. Dr.
With the exclusion of the NICU population, the two groups of children with Broviac catheters placed at our institution were quite similar, other than a larger percentage of intensivist patients ...
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of different types of atrial tachycardia in children, particularly ...
In older children, many complications are similar ... always be made following CVC insertion to check the position of the catheter. Regarding prevention of infectious complications, we recommend ...
AI researcher working with the UN and others to drive social change. Once again, we are commemorating World Children’s Day, which is dedicated to the adoption of the International Convention on ...
What is an Indwelling Catheter? An indwelling urinary catheter (IUC), generally referred to as a “Foley” catheter, is a closed sterile system with a catheter and retention balloon that is inserted ...