If you fail the test 3 times, we’ll invite you to a hearing with a citizenship official. At the hearing, we’ll orally ask you questions that are similar to those on the citizenship test. If you pass ...
A British woman admitted Tuesday that she wore wigs and other disguises to fraudulently take a U.K. citizenship test for more than ... financial gain.”The 24-question exam that tests knowledge ...
Mike Lawler questioned the citizenship status of a Latino lawmaker ... legislator Jose Alvarado after the trailblazing lawmaker asked him how Latinos should respond to intrusive demands for ...
What ocean is on the West Coast of the U.S.? Name one branch of government. Not hard, are they? These are a representative few of the 100 questions on the U.S. Citizenship Test. Immigrants must answer ...
WATCH: Trump abandons 2020 census citizenship question ... days that he believes will allow the government to ask the controversial question. As census goes to print, Trump administration isn ...