FNA is typically performed using 22 to 25 gauge ... Clear, colorless fluid suggests a parathyroid cyst, whereas yellow fluid is more typical of a cyst of thyroid follicular origin.
FNA is recommended for all palpable solitary or dominant nodules, independent of size. FNA is preferred over thyroid scan or ultrasonography as the initial diagnostic test for thyroid nodules ...
(a) Non-diagnostic: FNA of a right parotid gland “lesion” showed only scant salivary gland parenchymal cells (Papanicolaou stain). (b) Non-neoplastic: FNA of a right parotid gland showed ...
The mouse genome contains two Gcm homologues, Gcm1 and Gcm2 (ref. 4). Gcm2 is not expressed in mouse glial cells or their precursors but is instead restricted to the parathyroid gland. This makes ...
Scarless transoral thyroidectomy or transoral vestibular approach (TOVA) allows for the safe and total removal of the thyroid or parathyroid glands with absolutely no external scarring to the neck. Of ...