A Family Musical Adventure with the Kennett Symphony Woodwind Quintet was designed to be a fun and educational way to introduce kids to the world of music, but toe-tapping parents and the older crowd ...
Experience the meticulous art of crafting instrument recorders through the expertise of a woodwind instrument master. Watch ...
TeamWork USA, a nonprofit based in Palm Beach Gardens, donated 62 half size violins to the symphony's instrument donation ...
On Feb. 15, the UW-Eau Claire music department held its second annual Woodwind Day. This was an all-day event open to the ...
This week it’s contemporary woodwind music, featuring saxophonist Steven Banks performing his own music, and pieces by Amanda ...
The Woodwind musicians were: Monica Buffington (Flute); Dana Newcomb (Oboe); Robert Hoch (Clarinet); Zachary Feingold (Bassoon); and Karen Schubert (Horn) Hall described the instruments.