Among the favorite ex-military warbirds in their arsenal were PBY Catalina amphibious flying boats, PB4-Y2 Privateer patrol bombers, and even Grumman Tigercat fighters and Douglas DC-6 airliners.
This was the Consolidated XPY-1, sometimes called the Admiral. It was the first of the Consolidate Aircraft Company’s flying boats, which would lead to such aircraft as the legendary PBY Catalina.
2/33, issued in 1933, which called for a next-generation general-purpose flying boat for ocean reconnaissance. The aircraft ...
The foil, a wing-like structure underneath the boat, lifts the hull ... Tech trends 2023: Flying taxis and satellite phones The cargo hauling aircraft with no pilots on board Skilled tech workers ...
Such was life aboard a Wellington bomber hunting for the elusive U-boats in the Atlantic Ocean ... There's a treasure trove of vintage flying machines to discover and admire around the country ...