Bing Crosby once said the most difficult thing he ever did in his decades-long career was sing "White Christmas" to homesick ...
Bing Crosby found it "really difficult" to perform 'White Christmas' to the troops during World War II as he sang to ...
For soldiers in France listening to Bing Crosby sing ... the hardest moment of his professional life. "I asked Uncle Bing one time, ‘What was the single most difficult thing you ever had ...
The legendary crooner, who first sang the song ... was the hardest moment of his professional life. “I asked Uncle Bing one time, ‘What was the single most difficult thing you ever had to ...
Bing Crosby once said the most difficult thing he ever did in his decades-long career was sing 'White Christmas' to homesick troops in France in December 1944. For soldiers in France listening to Bing ...
Among the millions of difficult songs out there, we've selected those that are commonly referred to as the hardest ones to sing. Click on and give it a go. No matter whether you're a karaoke hero ...
When talking about the challenge, Plant singled out ‘Polly Come Home’ as one of his most challenging songs, recalling on Digging Deep: “It’s just the most difficult piece of music to sing at the tempo ...
He told Fox News Digital: "I asked Uncle Bing one time, ‘What was the single most difficult thing you ever had to do in your career ... But he said at the end of the show, 'I had to sing "White ...
Bing Crosby found it "really difficult" to perform ... But he said at the end of the show, 'I had to sing "White Christmas." And I had to get through the song with 15,000 guys in tears and ...