Did you know your electronic signature is as binding as a handwritten signature for a majority of documents in every U.S. state ... do this instead. Want to sign yours from an iPhone digitally? Mac?
All major email apps like Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail include the ability to easily open and send scanned documents. Improvements in smartphone cameras mean that a document scanner is almost ...
Once you have Gmail, here’s how to send a large attachment. Before wasting your time typing in a recipient, subject, or body of an email, first, see if the attachment will even work. Tap the paperclip ...
Google Drive may not let you encrypt individual Google Docs, but there are still ways to protect your security and privacy. Here's how to keep your Docs from prying eyes.
Navigating an ever-complicated tax code takes time, but there's at least one thing you can do to avoid detours when you finally sit down to file (or pay ... an eye out for email notifications ...
If you want to send files using compression, you should use another compression container (such as ZIP) or the SMB compression feature for file transmissions. Mauro Huculak has been a Windows How ...
Conservation experts are carefully working to repair some of Ireland’s oldest documents, including a parish registry dating back to the medieval times. The 650-year-old ecclesiastical register ...
We list the best file transfer software ... and you can send them direct (through the site via a code), via a URL link, or via email. If you don't want to work with Send Anywhere through the ...
It’s Self-Assessment season! Are you going to let this one fall into chaos or have you got the right systems and processes in place already?
We list the best ways to share big files, to make it simple and easy to send files online to friends, family, or work colleagues. Although email was ... and the extensive file versioning system ...