Whether you have discolored teeth or surface stains, there are a variety of products that make it easy to whiten teeth at home -- no dentist ... stains and brightening your smile.
They contain lubricants like mineral oil or white petrolatum. Check the ingredient list to make sure they don’t contain preservatives or phosphates, which can be harmful to your eyes.
It’s important to take the necessary steps to maintain good health, which includes eye health. Taking care of your eyes is essential, but it doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming.
That’s the reason Dr. Abel advises seeing an optometrist or ophthalmologist to have them (and your eye health) assessed. “Most eye doctors will want to see you within 24 hours, especially if ...
If you suspect that you have sunburned eyes, your doctor may recommend pain relievers or antibiotic eye drops. You can also try a few at-home treatments for symptom relief: Don’t make the ...
(Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images) Your eye is made of layers. The uvea is the middle layer. It's between the white part of your eye — called the sclera — and the inner layers of your eye.