Usage: involute-gear-generator -o [dxf filename] Options: -o, --output save gears to dxf file [optional] --circularPitch Circular pitch (distance from one face of a tooth to the corresponding face of ...
The aim of this PhD project is to explore the properties of splines through the lens of applied algebraic geometry, with a particular focus on their relationship to toric geometry. Splines are ...
As a Dynamo user, I want to install a package that I know will work for my specific environment. the loading sequence is determined by package loading sequence from Preferences Downloading the same ...
MIT physicists have directly measured the quantum geometry of electrons in solids for the first time, unlocking new insights into quantum materials. This breakthrough, achieved with ARPES, could ...
COLORFUL has delivers a unique and stylish design with its new iGAME GeForce RTX 5080 Ultra W. Although it doesn't deliver a massive leap in raw performance over the GeForce RTX 4080, it's still a ...