This Christmas we should all have a sense of awe, wonder and delight as we ponder God’s gift to us, the Lord Jesus. The prophet Isaiah, hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, predicted his coming and ...
Reindeer: Santa’s Trusty Companions Reindeer have captured the imagination of children and adults alike, hitching Santa’s sleigh and guiding him as he delivers gifts worldwide. This charming character ...
The "True Love" one hears in the song is not a smitten boy or girlfriend but Jesus Christ, because truly Love was born on Christmas Day ... the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit-----Prophesy ...
The Alfred Street Baptist Church of Alexandria has canceled its annual Christmas performance at D.C.’s Kennedy Center, which ...
It was there that they finally agreed to stick with the Roman practice of determining Easter. This brought England in line ...
Latter Day Saints serve in all walks of life – medicine, government, business, legal, education, finance, public service, ...
SALT LAKE CITY — The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is "the most glorious event in history" and should be matched by emphasis ...
Christmas is a festival that brings joy, love, and celebration to everyone. This time of the year is a season to spread happiness and wrap it with wishes brought from the heart of all loved ones. It ...
and Jesus was walking in the Temple, in the portico of Solomon. “Dedication” is another name for the feast of Hanukkah, which falls in December, near Christmas. St. Paul called himself a ...
Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC) said Monday that it was joining the list of groups that no longer would do business with the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The church, which says it is one of ...
Easter is a time for chocolate eggs, bunnies, and chick decorations, but there is a real reason why we use eggs to celebrate ...