Arjun’s wife Neha Swami took to Instagram with the present happy update and she said, “We want to inform you all that our mother is doing perfectly fine and she’s recovering in the hospital. The best ...
The Nagas who begin the day with fasting would again perform rituals, which include Agni puja and havan besides several other religious acts after returning from the snan, Puri said. Mahant Hari ...
Weekly Panchang from January 17-23, 2025 to determine the auspicious & inauspicious time for performing day-to-day tasks based on the planetary positions. The Panchanga for the week has a ...
My Almighty is basically there to see I am doing what I am doing. So, money and all that ultimately for your individual capacity requirement is very very marginal." He said this during his interaction ...
“I was doing puja when I got the news of Nitishji’s arrival. It was not possible for me to reach there quickly,” Chirag later said. A senior JDU leader said the incident had not gone down well with ...