The largest male great white shark tagged by OCEARCH scientists has surfaced again off the North Florida coast.
A mammoth 1,653-pound great white shark surfaced off Florida's coast Sunday. The shark is the largest male tagged by OCEARCH scientists.
Contender, the largest male great white shark tagged by OCEARCH, was tagged off the Florida-Georgia line on January 17. OCEARCH, a non-profit research organization, uses satellite tags attached to ...
Contender is the largest male great white shark ever caught, tagged and released by OCEARCH in the western North Atlantic region, according to the non-profit. OCEARCH researchers tag white sharks ...
A colossal, 1,600-pound great white shark, the largest male tagged by OCEARCH, has surfaced off Florida's East Coast. The 13-foot, 9-inch shark, nicknamed Contender by the OCEARCH scientists who ...