The story introduces us to Nekron, the holder of the Black Lantern ring that can summon the dead. The story takes place during a time in DC Comics in which characters like Bruce Wayne and Barry ...
If you're looking for new Batman comics, then you're in the right place! The Dark Knight is more than just a superhero – he is a true pop culture icon. Every month DC publishes a host of new ...
We’ve put together a comprehensive list of every DC Comics skin available in Fortnite, detailing the seasons they were released and how you were able to get them. Epic Games has brought back ...
Magic users in the DC Universe are diverse, powerful, and essential to great storytelling. Constantine uses knowledge and manipulation to defeat more powerful foes, including gods. Zatanna's ...
After playing Arthur Curry a.k.a. Aquaman, Jason Momoa has signed on to bring DC Comics antihero Lobo to the big screen in ‘Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow’ Don Arnold/WireImage Jason Momoa is ...