Gavin and Stacey, the beloved sitcom, has seen a plethora of cameos in its 17-year run, including appearances from political figures like John Prescott, Hear Say's Noel Sullivan, and even Tom ...
with English comedian Noel Fielding. The Sun revealed last week how BBC bosses were keen for a Gavin & Stacey spin-off after the finale scored the highest Christmas Day TV audience for 16 years.
Gavin & Stacey's James Corden has recalled where he plucked the idea for the sitcom from. In the New Year's Day special A Fond Farewell, which aired on BBC One immediately before the third series of ...
Gavin DeGraw shared photos of himself performing at the Starlight Ball Monday night after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. "Proud to support free speech, healthy food, and ending ...