Silhouettes of cats and dogs in the style of a famous artist have been popping up in a North East seaside town. Dozens of the paintings inspired by LS Lowry are adorning back lanes, old coal ...
An amusement park in the Chinese province of Shandong is going viral for housing donkeys painted as zebras — a move an ...
a 1953 painting at the National Gallery of Art called “Study of a Dog.” But the loping, blurry, foreshortened dog emerging from darkness along a deep perspective line was clearly an image that ...
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Mo. — House Springs Elementary School students recently created and delivered 28 colorful paintings of adoptable dogs housed at the Jefferson County Animal Resource Center in ...
Local artist Julia Hagen has developed a large social media following for her paintings of Chicago-area hot dog stands. Her goal is to visit and paint as many Chicago hot dog stands this year as ...