MTN Group CEO Ralph Mupita has said the worst should be over for the company as its Nigeria unit recovers, after a naira devaluation pushed the group to an annual pre-tax loss of R4.4-billion.
The GREDF study concluded the city will need between 265 to 325 new market rate units by 2033.In the United Way’s most recent Community Needs Assessment, fair market rent for a 2-bedroom ...
Suzuki has launched the 2025 edition of the Suzuki Access 125, which packs a lot of punch and features. So how is it the best scooter in the country? We find out.
Hancock County Health Department inspects restaurants four times annually, and violations are determined as “C” for critical, “NC” for noncritical and “R” for repeated violations. The following ...
In the spirit of “engineering the future we want” Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) president David Leukes opened this ...