The leading young professionals in the reinsurance sector have made their mark by expertly handling a wide series of challenges. The reinsurance market has seen significant undulations in the ...
Moreover, at the key January 1st, 2025, reinsurance renewals, Lancashire secured annual aggregate worldwide coverage for its property treaty and direct and facultative books. Earlier today ...
In January, the syndicate entered into a $196mn loss portfolio transfer with Enstar covering discontinued portfolios in marine treaty reinsurance, property treaty reinsurance and US contractors ...
Rachel Dalton is the lead reporter for Insurance Insider. She covers broking and treaty and facultative reinsurance.
French reinsurer SCOR generated net income of €233 million in the fourth quarter of 2024, up 43.2% on the comparable prior year quarter, as gross written premiums (GWP) across the Group increased by 2 ...
Liberty Mutual has reported a net income of $4.383 billion for 2024, up considerably from the $213 million recorded in 2023. Meanwhile, the firm's total net written ...
什么是达世币? 达世币是一种开源、对等计算的加密货币,有着与比特币一样的全部功能,但还有其他高级功能,包括即时交易、私人交易和分散式管理。 达世币最初于2014年1月18日以XCoin的名称发布,一个月之后将其名称改为暗黑币(Darkcoin)。最后,暗黑币于 ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
There is no Morningstar’s Analysis data available.
Increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related disasters are driving up reinsurance costs and impacting insurance premiums in the Philippines Worsening climate change could drive up the cost of ...
Refugees are in extremely vulnerable circumstances, lacking the protection of their own countries and facing immense challenges to their safety and well-being. The 1951 Refugee Convention, ...