Attend an Open Call where you will be given the opportunity to do a 1-minute pitch of your business/product/idea to a member of the Casting Team -- just like you would as if you were on the show. Come ...
But a new clinical trial has repaired this damage in patients thanks to a transplant of stem cells from their healthy eyes. The cornea is the outer layer of the eye, which focuses light towards ...
Michelle Saaiman’s two-year-old Juwan lost his sight when a herpes cold sore started growing in his eye seven months ago.
USA: A clinical study has demonstrated that transplanted autologous corneal stem cells effectively repaired irreversible corneal injuries, restoring at least partial vision in over 90% of patients.
Two men pulled a 59-year-old woman with severe leg injuries from the water following a shark attack at an isolated beach. The incident happened at Gunyah Beach near Bundeena, in Port Hacking in ...