Lymph nodes are small glands that filter lymph, the clear fluid that circulates through the lymphatic system. During an infection, they accumulate bacteria or dead or diseased cells and may swell.
Usually, swollen chest lymph nodes are too deep in the chest for a person to feel them. Any swollen lymph nodes in the chest appear on imaging scans. Swelling can indicate an underlying condition.
In addition there were multiple small cervical lymph nodes palpable bilaterally. There was also a left supraclavicular lymph node 2 cm in diameter. Examination of the heart and lungs was normal.
Cancers of the mouth and oropharynx can spread to lymph nodes in your neck. Your surgeon might remove some or all of the lymph nodes in your neck. Lymph nodes are small bean shaped glands found ...
Intraoperative frozen biopsy and sentinel lymph nodes technique have not shown sufficient accuracy to avoid extended lymphadenectomy, due to the significant rates of skip lymphatic metastasis.
These include the presence of supraclavicular metastases, fixed axillary lymph nodes, extensive edema of the skin of the breast, satellite skin nodules, inflammatory carcinoma and chest-wall fixation.
Micrometastases are small collections of cancer cells that have been shed from a cancerous tumor and have spread to another part of the body through the blood or lymph nodes. Micrometastases can then ...
The patient was initially observed with no indication for immediate treatment. In June 2024, she presented with chest tightness, and a CT scan showed multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, ...
The lymphatic system thus acts as a part of the immune system, supporting these soft tissues and fighting infections. Lymph “nodes” are like subway station stops — hubs where “passengers” like red and ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
Like most cancer types, the chance of developing lung cancer increases with age. In the United States, lung cancer is most often diagnosed in people 65 or older. But lung cancer can occur at any ...
Local relapses were located in the ipsilateral breast or chest wall skin and muscle. Regional relapses were located in ipsilateral lymph nodes of the axilla, supraclavicular, interpectoral, and ...