Directed by Richard Rich, this animated movie is the 11th installment in the Swan Princess franchise. In it, we get to go back 25 years and discover how Uberta (voiced by Catherine Lavine) became the ...
Although it will not belong to the main on-screen DC Universe, we were very happy to hear that The Batman – Part II will continue on in DC’s new world order. Under James Gunn and Peter Safran, ...
(1942) Swashbuckling adventure with Laird Cregar and Tyrone Power. Privateer Captain Henry Morgan tries to rid the Caribbean of pirates when he's made Governor of Jamaica. Bit rich.
Having the film seen so it’s talked about, even if only on social—while not conventionally considered coverage—is half the battle for many filmmakers. Because part of a critic’s job isn’t just to ...
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 4 has officially been announced. The fourth cour, subtitled The Calamity, will wrap up the anime series adaptation of the manga's final story arc. The announcement ...
Earlier this week, Warner Bros. officially pushed The Batman Part II from its October 2026 release date and delayed the sequel for another year. Now, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn has weighed in on ...
Part Four: The Calamity will be the official finale of the Bleach story, adapting the final battle against key Quincy characters. The final stretch will focus heavily on action, showcase fan ...
Per Deadline's reporting, The Batman Part II is now slated for a 1 October, 2027 release, meaning there will have been a whole five-and-a-half-year wait between Parts I and II. Now, given the huge ...
Also, if you don't get a quest marker after this sequence, walk in front of the Swan and click the button you usually use to collect resources or talk to people in order to conclude this part of ...
We break it down into a three-part series, continuing here with Part II. When looking at the five open jobs on the market, it is hard to say the Jaguars don't have a significant advantage at the ...
What Happens in Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 Finale? The finale of Part 3 includes episodes 39 and 40. Episode 39, titled, “The Visible Answer,” follows the Soul Reapers, led by ...