Musk launched his personal Tesla Roadster into space on February 6, 2018, as a test payload for the Falcon Heavy rocket.
The “asteroid” wasn’t a space rock after all. It was a cherry-red Tesla Roadster that Elon Musk launched into space to much ...
The newly discovered asteroid, named 2018 CN41, turned out to be a Tesla launched into space by SpaceX in 2018.
"FerretDB 2.x utilizes Microsoft's newly released open source DocumentDB PostgreSQL extension, significantly increasing ...
Major astronomy body the Minor Planet Centre (MPC) was forced to list the discovery - made by a citizen scientist - as ...
Kepler was one of the most successful exoplanet-hunting missions so far. It discovered 2,600 confirmed exoplanets—almost half ...
The European Data Protection Board suggested a case-by-case handling of the AI model anonymity to determine their compliance ...
The Anchorage Museum and the city of Nenana, joined forces to bring home the Golden Spike, an iconic piece of railroad ...
Despite common assumptions, the disk of our Solar System is warped, and the planets travel around the Sun in slightly ...
Rapid deployment of AI in scientific pursuits is creating an assembly line of discoveries that is revolutionising the world, ...
Trump told Republican governors on January 10, 'I’m going to give you a report on drones about one day into the ...