But as I learned more, I realized that – like any new skill – familiarizing yourself with the basics, having patience ... then with bonsai wire that is bent into formation.
You can buy the most reliable car on Earth and still find convoluted electrical gremlins, fluid leaks, and even outright failure when rodents take up residence and begin chewing on wiring ...
Growing a bonsai is more than just caring for a miniature tree. It's an art, a craft and an ancient meditative practice.
But as I learned more, I realized that – like any new skill – familiarizing yourself with the basics, having patience, paying attention to detail and ... to grow into desired shapes by wrapping them ...
But as I learned more, I realized that — like any new skill — familiarizing yourself with the basics, having patience, paying attention to detail and ... to grow into desired shapes by wrapping them ...
But as I learned more, I realized that — like any new skill — familiarizing yourself with the basics, having patience ... then with bonsai wire that is bent into formation.