The Simpsons has long been known to correctly predict many past events, including Donald Trump's presidency and the global ...
It's a risk astronauts face, and especially so during long trips. As such, finding methods to combat radiation exposure in space has long been on the minds of researchers working on technology for ...
Social robots could help mitigate the cognitive and social challenges astronauts face during long-term space missions. Human-robot interactions may help alleviate the limited social diversity within ...
NASA now faces challenges in compensating its astronauts for unplanned overtime in space, while also preparing them for the significant physical adjustments required after prolonged exposure to ...
70 percent of long-term ISS astronauts report vision changes in space SANS-linked eye pressure issues raise Mars mission concerns Scientists study countermeasures to protect astronaut eyesight ...
NASA ‘s Marshall Space Flight Center hosted four astronauts on Jan. 29 at the Marshall Activities Building 4316 ... It’s just a fantastic set of equipment.” While showing photos and videos of their ...