What natural controls can you add to your aquarium to deal with growths of filamentous algae in your community tank? Dr Heok Hee Ng has some suggestions. Filamentous algae is perhaps one of the easier ...
Choose a species that won’t outgrow your tank and make sure you provide suitable alternatives to algae when the green menace runs out. Common algae-eating suckermouths include Bristlenose, Otocinclus ...
Lucie and Caloosahatchee rivers, respectively, but also, blue-green algae is endemic in the lake and travels wherever the water goes. The Caloosahatchee River normally receives a steady amount of ...
Scientists have found new evidence that desertification, potentially linked to global warming, leads to large amounts of nutrient-rich dust landing in the sea, causing ocean algae to grow rapidly.
A study at the University of Cordoba shows how algae produce auxin, a plant hormone, opening a path of communication with bacteria to generate synergies that could benefit agricultural production.
Green chemistry involves the development of chemical products and processes that minimize the use and generation of hazardous and unwanted substances. The transformation of polyolefins into value ...
Companies like PepsiCo issue green bonds. It funds initiatives like using recycled polyethylene in ... [+] product packaging, investing in renewable energy for facilities, and supporting ...
Monty Don has taken to his blog this month to share a few gardening tasks that need carrying out in November - and one focuses on your patio and paving. Maintaining the cleanliness of your patio ...
Filamentous algae smothers other plants in the Kentish Stour Mr Collett, who belongs to the Canterbury and District Angling Association, said pollution had got worse in recent years and "is ...