To repel ants from picnic areas or al fresco dining spaces, mix peppermint oil with water and spray it around entry points or ...
As warmer weather arrives and outdoor activities kick into full swing, parents face a growing challenge: convincing their ...
Lavender oil's calming properties make it the perfect choice for cultivating a serene oasis on your balcony. Its tranquil ...
Lemongrass oil and geranium are both effective at keeping mosquitoes away. Combine these oils with some vodka or soybean oil to create a potent, natural mosquito-repellent spray. These powerful oils ...
Despite the cold, wind, and occasional weird looks from my neighbors, I found myself feeling more grounded, alert, and ...
Get ready for barbecue weather by rescuing your outdoor furniture. Remove flaking paint and rust from metal furniture using a ...
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a disease caused by a mosquito-borne virus. EEE virus can cause disease in humans and some mammal and bird species. EEE virus can be found in the eastern half of ...
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne viral illness. It occurs throughout the United States and can cause disease in humans, birds, and other mammals. West Nile Virus spreads to a person through ...