This is the first of two parts I am allergic to birthday celebrations. Nevertheless, my Williamsburg friends organized an elaborate gathering on my 99th birthday. In fact, if they had followed the ...
"You are a Jew; you should be in a Jewish school", a Hungarian history teacher told a student in a Budapest 2nd district ...
Following my escape from the Nazi slave labor camp, and after encountering my brother-in-law, Bela Engel, on the streets of ...
Adrien Brody flashed his status as a two-time Oscar winner to ward off the orchestral music that was nudging him to wrap up ...
Throughout history, Christian antisemitism has fueled discrimination, violence, and exclusion, from early Church doctrine to ...
Stanisław Jerzy Lec, a prominent Polish satirist of Jewish origin, said: “The tragedy of an epoch is best conveyed by its ...
And so to the 97th Academy Awards, where two of the top gongs - best actor and best supporting actor - were won by two men ...
Thousands of individuals—many of whom wore far-right insignia and Nazi uniforms—participated in a 'memorial hike' from Buda ...
As Hollywood gears up to give itself its annual pat on the back, there's a top-notch crop of films to pique The Tribe's interest - and a healthy dose of off-screen drama, to boot ...
They came to bid farewell to popular former editor Steve Linde who left The Jerusalem Post last month after almost three ...
With a unique ability to portray the horrors and heroism of war, Spielberg's portraits of war have become timeless classics.
The Oscars are this Sunday, which means watch parties in people’s living rooms, which means the weirdest collections of ...