Kiwis are pouring into the islands of Tahiti in record numbers as New Zealand becomes the third-largest global tourism market for the South Pacific archipelago. According to latest data released ...
The whereabouts of Jabe Carey's 15.85m double-masted, steel-hulled ketch remain a mystery, as there've been no reported sightings of the vessel since police left it unoccupied and unsecured during ...
Part of Ketch Roundabout closed today (Sunday) after a tractor overturned at the Kempsey junction. At the time, a spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: "Ketch Roundabout will be closed ...
Courtesy Ketch Harbor Pub. A staple of Pillar Point Harbor for nearly 50 years, Ketch Harbor Pub – formerly Ketch Joanne Restaurant & Harbor Bar – has been revived under new ownership that has ...
Our mission is to advance sustainable use of the marine environment through our systems-thinking approach to research, education and innovation. Plymouth has been a focus for marine science for over ...
S-AOM is estimated to oxidize 90% of the methane produced in marine sediments and is mediated by a consortium of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate reducing bacteria. An additional ...