To fuel the future advancement of the electronics industry, engineers will need to develop batteries that can be charged ...
Globally, women are less active than men by an average of 5 per cent, a differential that has not changed for 25 years. In 2022, I was certainly one of the 37 per cent (and also the 79 per cent ...
If you’ve bothered to go in search of it, then you probably know that Sean Strickland is still out here doing it. At this week's media day to help promote his middleweight title rematch with ... - U.S. President Donald Trump may have "less leverage" in his recent trade spat with China than during a similar conflict in his prior administration, according to analysts at Wells ...
The more defined crystalline forms suggest that the use of DMAc as a solvent may be favorable because of its higher degree of freedom and lower steric hindrance compared to NMP, allowing for greater ...
They may also display less steric hindrance when used in combination with other molecules and other bNAbs or scFv (36). This may be especially true for epitopes in close proximity such as the V2 and ...
MYR, which has six hydroxyl groups showed a significantly lower value. From these results we assume that steric hindrance could lead to a reduction of the antioxidant potential. To analyze the ...
In some creative endeavors, the more professional knowledge people have, the more likely they will have tunnel vision and less likely to formulate a free and superior idea, a new study shows.