Hyperactivation of RNA polymerase I (Pol I) transcription of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes (rDNA) is a key determinant of growth and proliferation and a consistent feature of cancer cells. We have ...
多年来,教科书和皮肤科医生一直告诉人们,晒伤主要与DNA损伤有关。然而,发表在《分子细胞》杂志上的一项新研究表明,实际上,是RNA损伤引发了晒伤时的急性炎症反应。 来自丹麦哥本哈根大学和新加坡南洋理工大学的研究团队重点关注了一种名为ZAKα的 ...
RNA polymerase I transcription repression triggered post-transcriptional activation ... However, the investigation of the role of miRNA in nucleolar stress is rare. Our results demonstrated that ...
RNA metabolism refers to any events in the life cycle of ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules, including their synthesis, folding/unfolding, modification, processing and degradation. Nsp15 is an ...
The Positive Transcription Elongation Factor b (P-TEFb) phosphorylates Ser2 residues of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit (RPB1) of RNA polymerase II and is essential for the ...
We have performed ChIP-seq experiments on tightly staged Drosophila embryos and show that massive recruitment of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) with widespread pausing occurs de novo during the ...