BBC comedy star Daisy May Cooper is facing a £30,000 legal challenge from the landlady of her historic Cotswolds property after reportedly painting it an “awful” shade of bright blue without ...
A pub landlady who replaced her boozer's 172-year-old windows with modern double glazing faces a £70,000 bill after losing a bitter planning battle. Mail Online revealed in December how council ...
A DEFIANT landlady of a pub in a valleys town barricaded herself inside of her premises in protest in the 90s. The landlady, Josie Williams spent four weeks barricaded inside her pub after being ...
The work of a 'friendly ghost' at one haunted pub has been captured in viral CCTV footage. The ghost, which workers have affectionately named Paul to 'make them feel better,' has been spooking ...
A woman who was shot dead outside a pub in Kent on Valentine’s Day has been named by police. Lisa Smith, 43, from Slough, was pronounced dead at the scene at the Three Horseshoes in the village ...
He's also spent a few years coaching fencing. Contact him via [email protected] The landlady of a pub where a woman was shot dead on Valentine's Day has spoken out about the situation.
A male suspect fled the scene and is yet to be found. Picture: Alamy Landlady of the Three Horseshoes pub, Michelle Thomas, told LBC: "I heard two bang bangs. I say 'bang bang' because that's what I ...
The landlady of a village pub where a woman was killed on Valentine's Day has told Sky News the victim was drinking in the pub before she was shot dead in the car park. Michelle Thomas ...
The landlady of a pub where a woman was fatally shot on Valentine’s Day has said she heard two loud bangs which sounded like fireworks. Michelle Thomas, who runs The Three Horseshoes in ...
“You just can’t know why things like this happen.” Pub Landlady Michelle Thomas had been preparing the Valentine’s dinner when she heard two loud bangs she initially thought were firework ...
The landlady of a pub has described the sound of a woman being shot dead on Valentine’s Day as like “fireworks” as two bangs were heard. "There was so much commotion - screaming, shouting ...
The landlady of a village pub where a woman was shot dead on Valentine's Day has told how the victim was enjoying a drink moments earlier. The woman, in her 40s, was gunned down in the car park ...