The sigmoid colon — the part of the large intestine nearest to the rectum — tends to be more “free floating” than other parts of the colon, says Dr. Alyson Cunningham, a colorectal surgeon ...
Diverticulosis is a medical condition characterized by small sacs, or diverticula, in the lining of the large intestine. There is a chance that these pouches may become inflamed or infected ...
We present three lung transplant recipients who had sigmoid colonic diverticular perforation within 4 weeks of transplantation, giving an overall incidence of 8.6% (3 of 35) in our population.
Though the colon averages 5 ft. in length, the vast majority of diverticula are found in its last 15 inches, known as the sigmoid colon be cause it bends in an S shape from the lower end of the ...
Sometimes — for reasons not exactly understood — small pouches or saclike protrusions, called diverticula, develop in the colon, most often in the lower part. This is called diverticulosis.