This is the minimum amount which is required to buy "x" number of lots of a particular commodity to trade in futures market.
Seven people, including a child, sustained severe burn injuries after a gas cylinder exploded reportedly due to leakage in Savar's Hemayetpur. The incident took place in Naliashur area of Hemayetpur ...
ALSO READ: Govt honours Taifa Gas in environmental conservation The Vice-President urged public education programme producers to make greater efforts to learn more and provide accurate information ...
After years of financial turmoil, asset sales, and mounting debt, Oando is making bold moves — snapping up a $783m oil asset, expanding into Angola, and bidding for a Caribbean refinery. True ...
As Tanzanian companies like Amsons Group and Taifa Gas push into Kenya’s cement and LPG markets, the economic rivalry between the two nations intensifies, marking a shift in regional business dynamics ...
When welded together and buried the pipes will form a 24 kilometre back-and-forth pipeline, capable of storing 70 terajoules of gas. The next photo shows the pipes stockpiled before placement and ...
Kindiki said the government had heard pleas by Kenyans to increase allocations for medical care in Intensive Care Units, High Dependency Units and care for chronic diseases as well as the ...
To generate fresh leads in his case, NCMEC and its partner GSTV, a national digital video network, will display Jeremy’s poster on screens at more than 1,900 gas stations across Minnesota and ...
Methods of checking how much gas you have left start as basic as lifting and shaking the cylinder (you’ll be able to hear the contents as well as, with experience, to gauge for yourself how much is in ...
The cost of cooking gas cylinders vary from state to state, due to the respective taxes levied by the local governments. Advisory Alert: It has come to our attention that certain individuals are ...
Americans spend 3.2% of their total budget on gas every year. In 2021, that amounted to $2,148, up nearly $600 from 2020 as the economy moved past the COVID-19 pandemic and gas prices rose.