When is a sale not a sale? If a shop is advertising a sale, it has to comply with requirements set out in the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Government guidelines set out ...
Send your kids to these sites to help them learn, study, indulge their curiosity, and get a fresh perspective on academic subjects. I've been contributing to PCMag since 2011 in a variety of ways ...
Hence, with the availability of pure tritium gas and methods for its measurement, it was decided to prepare tritium-labelled thyroxine. The commonly used methods of exchange could not be used ...
Abstract: There are two methods for implementing the β-decay Induced X-ray Spectroscopy (BIXS) analysis for tritium contents and depth profile in materials. One is the analytical BIXS method, which ...
stainless steel pressure containers containing tritium waste will likely have to wait until the spring, at least. Venting wasn’t scheduled for this year, as the New Mexico Environment Department ...
JET (Joint European Torus) will be testing the deuterium-tritium fuel mixture that will be powering the ITER (the research project whose name began as an acronym for International Thermonuclear ...