The Australian government will continue to make its case for a tariff exemption to the United States, despite a top US official saying Australia's aluminium imports are killing the US market. Source: ...
BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- China deplores and strongly opposes the latest joint statement made by the United States and Japan concerning China, as the statement is brazen interference in China's ...
French President Emmanuel Macron has said that tariffs on the European Union are not in the interests of the United States.
The United States will move to impose 25-percent tariffs on steel and aluminum imports this week, President Donald Trump said ...
(法新社纽约8日电) 美国总统川普明天将出席美国职业美式足球联盟NFL超级杯,缔造首位美国现任总统出席这项年度冠军赛的历史纪录。他与NFL间因数十年来积怨而经常紧绷的关系也将写下新篇章。
2025年1月20日,特朗普签署了第14160号行政令,近乎“封杀”了美国的“出生即公民”原则(Birthright citizenship in the United ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普星期五(2月7日)在华盛顿首次会晤日本首相石破茂。两位领导人在联合声明中强调了美日安全合作,承诺加强防卫支持和军事合作,推动半导体与人工智能发展,强化供应链安全,支持出口管制,推动公平贸易。他们还重申继续合作,以实现自由开放的印 ...
“在特朗普第一任期内,美国国际开发署资助了梅拉尼娅发起的‘Be Best’计划和伊万卡·特朗普的‘女性全球发展与繁荣倡议’,”英国媒体这样写道,“两位女士都分别跟随该机构前往非洲进行旅行,并对该机构在非洲大陆的投资表示赞赏。” ...
GENEVA, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) stated on Thursday that as of Jan. 1, 2025, the United States' term as a member had ended, making it ineligible to withdraw ...
At noon on Jan. 20 local time, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, beginning his second term. Starting his first tenure, tariffs ...