Dear Eric: My 78-year-old mother is a very kind and generous person; however, she goes through life looking through a lens of negativity. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong in her eyes.
Flat warts (verruca plana) are small, slightly raised bumps that appear in clusters. They're caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a group of more than 100 viral strains. HPV is the most common ...
This guide focuses on the assessment and management of external anogenital warts (AGW) caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV). HPV vaccination and HPV-related cancer screening recommendations are ...
Throat (oropharyngeal) cancer is now the most common type of HPV-related cancer in Canada. Anogenital warts are caused by certain low-risk HPV types. Low-risk HPV types have little risk of causing ...
Electric cautery vs the scalpel. Which works better? Here’s a new double-blind study of 80 patients which found that electric cautery did not perform as well as one might have expected. The study, ...