Acrodont - Wikipedia
Acrodonty (from Greek akros 'highest' [1] + odont- 'tooth') is an anatomical placement of the teeth at the summit of the alveolar ridge of the jaw, without sockets, [2] characteristic of bony fish. Functionally, acrodont tooth implantation may be related to greater bite force. [3] .
Acrodonta (lizard) - Wikipedia
Acrodonta are a subclade of iguanian squamates consisting almost entirely of Old World taxa. Extant representation include the families Chamaeleonidae (chameleons) and Agamidae (dragon lizards), with at least over 500 species described. A fossil genus, Gueragama, was found in Brazil making it the only known American representative of the group. [1]
Acrodont Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ACRODONT is consolidated with the summit of the alveolar ridge without sockets; also : having such teeth.
Bite force data suggests relationship between acrodont tooth ...
We suggest that acrodont tooth implantation is yet another skeletal trait associated with bite force. We hypothesize that taxa possessing acrodont dentition also possess a higher bite force, compared to those with pleurodont dentition, relative to body size.
Acrodont - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Acrodont teeth are nonrooted and are ankylosed directly to the mandibular and maxillary bones. The fragile nature of the periodontal tissue associated with this type of dentition makes the bones and teeth susceptible to bacterial and fungal invasion.
The Permian reptile Opisthodontosaurus carrolli: a model for acrodont …
Acrodonty, where the tooth attaches to the apex of the jawbone, is an unusual form of tooth attachment that has been associated with the highly autapomorphic condition of monophyodonty. Beyond Lepidosauria, very little is known about the relationship between acrodonty and monophyodonty in other amniotes.
What are acrodont,pleurodont and thecodont dentition?
Acrodonts are attached on the top surface of the jaw bone as in fish and amphibians. This type of attachment is not very strong and teeth are lost easily and are replaced by new ones.
acrodont - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年9月27日 · acrodont (plural acrodonts) One of a group of lizards having the teeth immovably united to the top of the alveolar ridge
What are acrodont, thecodont and pleurodont? - BYJU'S
The denitition in reptiles is generally polyphydont and acrodont. Which is exceptional and show theocodont type?
Acrodont | definition of acrodont by Medical dictionary
Tooth attachment in some lower vertebrates (mainly fish) in which the teeth rest on the edge of the jaw bone rather than in sockets or alveoli. [acro- + G. odous, tooth] Farlex Partner Medical …