Arenicolidae - Wikipedia
Arenicolidae is a family of marine polychaete worms. They are commonly known as lugworms and the little coils of sand they produce are commonly seen on the beach. Arenicolids are found …
沙蠋科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
沙蠋科 (學名: Arenicolidae)是 环节动物门 多毛纲 下的一个科 [2][3]。 一般人對牠們的認識在於牠們在沙灘上活動時所留下的一個個沙質「小線圈」。 沙蠋科在全球均有發現,但絕大多 …
沙蠋科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
沙蠋科 (学名: Arenicolidae)是 环节动物门 多毛纲 下的一个科 [2][3]。 一般人对它们的认识在于它们在沙滩上活动时所留下的一个个沙质“小线圈”。 沙蠋科在全球均有发现,但绝大多数都 …
沙蠋 - 百度百科
又称海蚯蚓,外文名是Arenicolidae;lugworm。 环节动物门 多毛纲 小头虫目 沙蠋科 的通称。 又称海蚯蚓。 为体呈圆柱形的大型蠕虫,头部小,三叶状,翻吻囊状,躯干部可分为2~3个体 …
Arenicolidae Johnston, 1835 - World Register of Marine Species
Arenicolidae (Annelida) in Norwegian waters: Species occurrence, bathymetric distribution and identification of juvenile specimens. African Zoology.
lugworms (Family Arenicolidae) - iNaturalist
Arenicolidae is a family of marine polychaete worms. They are commonly known as lugworms and the little coils of sand they produce are commonly seen on the beach. Arenicolids are found …
Arenicolidae - GBIF
Arenicolidae (Annelida) in Norwegian waters: Species occurrence, bathymetric distribution and identification of juvenile specimens. <em>African Zoology.</em> Efirst: 1-8. …
Arenicola - Wikipedia
Arenicola, also known as sandworms, is a genus of capitellid annelid worms comprising the lugworms and black lugs. [1]A.cristata is the dominant warm-water lugworm on the shores of …
沙蠋科 - 百度百科
沙蠋科为体呈圆柱形的大型 蠕虫,似 蚯蚓,又名海蚯蚓。 头部小,三叶状,无任何附肢和眼,翻吻囊状,光滑或具乳突。 环节动物门 多毛纲 小头虫目的 1科。 为体呈圆柱形的大型 蠕虫, …
Arenicolidae - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Arenicolidae. Identification Numbers. TSN: 67500. Geography. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the …