Anxiety | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online
2019年11月26日 · So I’ve had anxiety since I was 17. Fear of dying. It makes me feel like I’m actively dying. Everyone suggested I try weed since it’s supposed to relax...
Strain that FUCKS YOU UP the most - Grasscity Forums
2013年7月20日 · Everybody has those couple strains (or just one even) that they will remember forever from how ridiculously high it got you everytime you took a hit, that strain where everytime someone brings it up, a big fat smile spreads across your face and all you can respond with is "oh yea, THATS the real deal B) " (or something like that)
Best strain for social anxiety? - Grasscity Forums
2014年7月19日 · Alright so I smoked weed for the first time this past summer and loveeeeed it :hello: Got high like 30 times and always had a blast.
strains that won't cause heart racing? - Grasscity Forums
2008年8月23日 · A really hard/bad trip on weed, can instigate a panic attack. Without instigating a panic attack, there can be very similar feelings. Feelings of panic, being overwhelmed, concentrating on (strictly on and nothing else) your body and your health (usually specifically your heart or brain), sickness of the stomach, heavy limbs, really light limbs ...
Whats the most psychadelic/trippy/euphoric Strain?
2011年1月17日 · It's very psychedelic, one of the most pleasant "trippy weed" sensations that I've found (and I love trippy weed). Also, body relaxation without couchlock. It's kind of a latent energy, in that when you decide to move, you feel effortless, but you find yourself contemplative, and feeling totally relaxed when at rest.
Best strain for anxiety disorder? - Grasscity Forums
2010年1月24日 · I have anxiety and I don't like pharmaceuticals. I have been smoking Strawberry Cough for months and it has been really good medicine for me....
Best strains for anxiety and depression? - Grasscity Forums
2013年8月19日 · Does anyone have an opinion on whats the best strain for severe social anxiety/agoraphobia? I have heard "sativa is better' and "indica is better".
can i smoke weed without having a panic attack?
2011年5月2日 · you've got a case of high anxiety. It can cause panic attacks when the anxiety just shoots through the roof. It's all in your mind, so it is entirely possible to smoke without getting one. But, you might be paranoid going into it, so when you get high, the anxiety goes up because of anticipation of a panic attack, and then you get one.
Smoking weed to relieve anxiety - Good or Bad idea?
2013年12月5日 · Anxiety is a product of thinking too much, and a physical manifestation of stress, worry and fear. Sometimes it can happen for no reason, other times after a rough day or simply waking up on the wrong side of the bed can weed cause anxiety attacks.
Help Weed Causing Anxiety When Sober? - Grasscity Forums
2014年5月10日 · Yes, weed triggered an anxiety issue deep down inside of me for a while. I had to see a counselor because 3 days after the bad trip, I was feeling extremely depressed and my mind kept playing games with me. Time will heal it. Just don't think about it. Once you think you will have an anxiety attack, you WILL have one.