Ecuador’s Crochet Masks | R.D.D. Smith
2025年2月20日 · Among the regalia worn during the celebration is the Aya Huma mask and suit, sometimes known as Diablo Umo. The Aya Huma carries a whip to drive away evil spirits during the ceremony. His mask is double-sided so that he cannot be surprised by evil spirits from behind.
Ecuador - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture …
2014年12月1日 · A center for religious ceremonies possibly linked to ancestor worship, the island was home to artisans producing exquisite figurines and masks made of gold and platinum. The gold funerary mask of the Sun God in the Museo Nacional del Banco Central de Ecuador in Quito comes from Tolita.
Masks around the world : Doney, Meryl : Free Download, Borrow, …
2020年8月18日 · Shows and explains a selection of masks from different countries around the world and provides step-by-step instructions as to how to make them Includes bibliographical references (page 30) and index A history of masks. -- Festival masks -- Mexico. -- African tradition -- Africa. -- The Krishna legend -- India. -- Acting in masks -- Europe.
Traditional Masks from Pujilí - Not Your Average American
2015年10月27日 · In fact, most of these masks could compete with any sold at the high-end Olga Fisch boutique. Several deserve mention. There are the smiling, black-faced Mama Negras, a character that blends traditions of the Spanish Colonists with indigenous Ecuadorian mythology.
Costume and Identity in Highland Ecuador - University of …
Costume and Identity in Highland Ecuador offers particular insight into the role of costume—clothing, jewelry, hairstyles, and bodily adornment—in a society changing from a subsistence economy to one based on wage income.
El Chota | Ecuador's exotic Valley of the Masks - AndesTransit
2020年2月10日 · 'El Chota' refers to a dusty valley sandwiched between two ranges of the Andes in northern Ecuador, in which mostly Afro-Ecuadorians are now settled. Visiting El Chota is a trip to the past to find incredible masks that reveal the history of the peoples of this area.
Costume and History in Highland Ecuador - Anna’s Archive
Costume and History in Highland Ecuador assembles for the first time for any Andean country the evidence for indigenous costume from the entire chronological range of prehistory and history.
The area of Ecuador known as Tigua, comprises a scattering of rural settlements situated at an altitude of over 4000m in the Cotopaxi province in the Central Highland region of Ecuador. Tigua is renowned for an artistic tradition of naive paintings
13 Important Books About Ecuador - The Uncorked Librarian
2023年7月8日 · Below, find translated Ecuadorian literature, short stories, thrillers, and fantasy books about Ecuador to transport you there. Some will embark on a more ex-pat or tourist experience while others will share a dark history of oppression and exploitation of both the land and its inhabitants.
Mama Negra mask from Ecuador – Masks of the World
2016年4月4日 · The Quechua-speaking people who live in the mountainous regions of Ecuador are enthusiastic users of masquerade. Their well carved and painted masks can be easily recognized because of round eye holes and heavy hardwood. There are many different dances and even more characters. Mama Negra is one of the most famous.