Mechanisms underlying CO2 diffusion in leaves - ScienceDirect
2012年6月1日 · The major structural features that affect CO 2 concentration in the chloroplast were studied, such as the conductance for CO 2 diffusion from the substomatal cavity to the chloroplast stroma, the light environment within a leaf and the movement and positioning of cellular organelles.
Resistances along the CO2 diffusion pathway inside leaves
2009年4月23日 · Resistance to diffusion through intercellular airspace differs between leaves, but is usually of minor importance. Leaves with high photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area reduce mesophyll resistance by increasing the surface area of chloroplasts exposed to intercellular airspace per unit leaf area, S c. Cell walls impose a significant ...
Divergences in leaf CO2 diffusion conductance and water use …
2024年1月1日 · We hypothesized that (i) N addition strengthens the CO 2 diffusion of water-stressed leaves by improving the leaf structure and AQP and CA activities, (ii) N addition mitigates water stress by enhancing WUE, and (iii) moderate N addition (≤ 15.0 g urea m −2) has a strong effect on mitigating water stress induced by soil drought.
Maximum CO2 diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of …
2021年2月24日 · Our results demonstrate that genome downsizing among the angiosperms was critical to restructuring the entire pathway of CO 2 diffusion into and through the leaf, maintaining high rates of CO 2 supply to the leaf mesophyll despite declining atmospheric CO …
Diffusion of CO2 and other gases inside leaves - New Phytologist
Diffusion of CO 2 in the intercellular airspaces of the leaf mesophyll is one of the many processes that can limit photosynthetic carbon assimilation there. This limitation has been largely neglected in recent years, but both theoretical and empirical evidence is presented showing that it can be substantial, reducing CO 2 assimilation rates by ...
Visualising patterns of CO2 diffusion in leaves - Lawson - 2006
2006年1月26日 · Using artificial ‘patches’ of grease on leaves, and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, we established that, in moderate light, effective lateral CO 2 diffusion in leaves of both homobaric and heterobaric species was restricted to less than 0.5 mm as a result of photosynthetic consumption of the CO 2 along the diffusion path.
(PDF) Carbon Dioxide Diffusion inside Leaves - ResearchGate
1996年3月1日 · Once inside the leaf, CO, has to diffuse from the intercel- lular air spaces to the sites of carboxylation in the chloro- plast (for C, species) (Fig. 1) or the cytosol (for C, species). These...
Acquisition and Diffusion of CO2 in Higher Plant Leaves
Acquisition of CO 2 by higher plants involves CO 2 diffusion from the air into leaves and, ultimately, into chloroplasts. There, fixation of CO 2 into organic compounds creates the concentration gradient which drives CO 2 diffusion. CO 2 encounters many obstructions along its diffusion path toward chloroplasts.
Mechanisms underlying CO2 diffusion in leaves - ScienceDirect
2012年6月1日 · Recent findings indicate that CO 2 diffusion in leaves can be variable in a short time range. Mesophyll CO 2 conductance could change independently from stomata movement or CO 2 fixing reactions and it was suggested that, beside others, the membranes are mesophyll CO 2 conductance limiting components.
Mechanisms underlying CO2 diffusion in leaves - PubMed
Recent findings indicate that CO (2) diffusion in leaves can be variable in a short time range. Mesophyll CO (2) conductance could change independently from stomata movement or CO (2) fixing reactions and it was suggested that, beside others, the membranes are mesophyll CO (2) conductance limiting components.