What Is Fellowship? - Bible Study
Elements of success. Several basic elements are needed for Christians to meet together successfully. The first is that those who meet together should have things in common like beliefs (Acts 2:42), work (Nehemiah 4:1 - 23), faith (1Samuel 20:30 - 42), need (2Corinthians 8:1 - 15) and what they struggle against (Daniel 3:16 - 30).
What Exactly is a Fellowship? - College Raptor
2022年12月22日 · A fellowship is not quite a scholarship and it’s not quite an internship, but it can be similar to both. Here’s a rundown on what you need to know and how you can become a fellow. What is a Fellowship? A fellowship can be referring to several different programs. The type of program the fellowship is depends on the fellow’s field of study.
Evolution and the Bible - Bible Study
The apostle Paul gave his close friend and fellow evangelist an interesting warning in the book of 1Timothy. He told him to "guard the doctrine which has been entrusted to you, avoiding profane, empty babblings, and contradictions of false knowledge that is called science" (1Timothy 6:20, HBFV). Suggested reading
What Is Love? - Bible Study
The first four commandments of God's law tell us how we are to treat Him. God is also our neighbor in the universe (Jeremiah 12:14). He is the neighbor who rules. Therefore, we see that loving him and our fellow man manifests itself by keeping his commandments (see 1John 5:3). Paul tells that have feelings of love is not good enough.
How to Achieve Spiritual Maturity - Bible Study
How we treat fellow Christians in public is a sign not only that we are converted but that we are also mature in the faith. And, just like faith, love without works is spiritually dead. True love must be demonstrated on a consistent basis by how we live our lives. Needless to say, hate has no place in the life of a Christian.
Book of Exodus Fascinating Facts! - Bible Study
"Tharbis was the daughter of the King of the Ethiopians: she happened to see Moses as he led the army near the walls, and fought with great courage . . . she fell deeply in love with him; and upon the prevalence of that passion, sent to him the most faithful of all her servants to discourse with him about their marriage . . .
Tarsus and the Apostle Paul - Bible Study
The Apostle's Hometown. The New Testament references the apostle Paul in relation to his hometown of Tarsus several times (Acts 9:11, 30, 11:25, 21:39, 22:3).
Definition of Siloam in the Bible - Bible Study
And when the tunnel was driven through, the quarrymen hewed, each toward his fellow, axe against axe; and the water flowed from the spring toward the reservoir for 1200 cubits, and the height of the rock above the heads of the quarrymen was 100 cubits."
Jesus and the Tax Collector - Bible Study
Zaccheus (whose name, ironically, means "just" or "pure") the tax collector was a short (possibly less than five feet or 1.5 meters tall) but quite wealthy and well known person in Jericho
What Was the Sanhedrin? - Bible Study
Members the Great Sanhedrin were required to possess scholarship, modesty, strength, courage, and popularity among their fellow men. Their rulings were binding (for a time) on all Jews scattered throughout the world. Their jurisdiction, however, was greatly curtailed by Herod the Great and then by the Roman Empire.