DurianManSS2.com | Everyday Is Durian Day!
Discover Malaysia’s largest durian outlet, where farm-fresh durians are delivered daily. Taste the difference! Step into durian paradise: 20,000 sft of pure indulgence!
Durian SS2榴莲鲜生Durianman - Facebook
Durian SS2榴莲鲜生Durianman. 55,247 likes · 361 talking about this · 75,626 were here. Visit now get more CNY mandarin & durian offer at https://sea.jambolive.tv/shop/2711/product/fb/
Durian Man
Durian Man is truly heaven on earth for all my durian lovers. Upon arrival, you're greeted with friendly staff ready to help select the best durian based on your preferences. If you don't already know the type or name of the variety you'd like to try, they'll ask you questions such as whether you like a more bitter or sweeter tasting variety to ...
- 位置: Lot 7680, Jalan SS 2/24, SS2 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia
Durian Man at SS2 in PJ | Durianed!
Durian Man is probably the longest serving stalwart in terms of selling durians in SS2. If you don’t already know, the SS2 area is regarded as the durian theme park of Malaysia. If there is a Las Vegas for durians, SS2 is the closest you can get to it.
DurianMan SS2 (@durianmanss2) • Instagram profile
🏮金龙来贺年 🎉在来临的的农历新年 #DURIANMAN 依然营业,愿您相聚有榴莲相伴度过春节的时光 🧧🏮Golden Dragon Comes to Greet the New Year 🎉In the coming Chinese New Year #DURIANMAN is still open for business,Gathering with you and spending the Spring Festival with durian🧧 📍DURIANMAN 榴莲鲜生 ...
Home [durianmanss2.com]
Enjoy your durians in the comfort, cozzy environment. We have built our world largest, 20,000sqf durian outlet, just to serve you better. Delivered directly from farm to store fresh daily. Come, and feast like a king!
Everyday Is Durian Day! - DurianManSS2.com
发现马来西亚最大榴莲专卖店,全天候新鲜榴莲送到! 尽情品尝这份美味! 踏入榴莲的乐园:20,000平方英尺的绝对奢华! 不论您是忠实的榴莲爱好者还是新手,我们都为您准备了绝佳的选择,等您来品尝! 在舒适宜人的环境中畅享榴莲的美好时光! 我们精心建造了20,000平方尺的全球最大榴莲专卖店,为的就是给您最好的体验。 每日新鲜榴莲直接从农场送到店,让您像皇帝一样尽享美味! If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. An error occurred …
PJ SS2 榴槤鮮生 DurianMan | 馬來西亞包車遊
榴槤是季節性的馬來西亞美食,也是熱帶國家的著名水果之一,榴槤被譽為水果之王,而山竹則被譽為果后。 榴槤本身就有股獨特的味道,喜歡的人食之味香;不喜歡這種味道的人就會離得遠遠的。 而榴槤的名稱是如何由來的呢? 據說明朝鄭和下南洋,由於航行出海的時間非常長久,船員們思念家鄉,歸心似箭。 一天鄭和在岸上發現了這種滿身是刺的果實,就帶回讓大夥兒共享,大多數的船員吃了都讚不絕口,思鄉的念頭一時就淡忘了。 於是有人問這是什麽果實? 這時鄭和隨 …
Durian man | Trip.com Petaling Jaya
2024年9月28日 · #traveldiaries Durian Man SS2 is a big durian shop in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. They sell many types of fresh durians, brought in every day straight from farms. The shop is well-known for its good quality and friendly service, making it a favorite for locals and visitors. They also offer delivery and can even send durians overseas.
Online food ordering system and food delivery in Malaysia - DurianMan
Today, we have grown into a prominent area where there is enough space for families to come to enjoy durians, taking pictures and having a durian buffet. DurianMan [Menu] DurianMan