Race - Eden Eternal Wiki
The inhabitants of Eden Eternal are comprised of many different Races. Human, Zumi, Anuran, Ursun, and Halfkin are the five playable races. NPC-only races include the Torturran, Ogre, Tuskar, and Drakai races. While the first Eternal Guardians …
Beginner's Guide/Character Creation - Eden Eternal Wiki
To choose you race, simply pick out of the following playable races: Eden Eternal's class system is composed of 5 branches, each with 3-4 classes. Every 5 levels or so, you'll unlock another playable class. Once unlocked, your character can freely swap between each class. Begin your adventure as a Warrior or Magician.
Category:Races | Eden Eternal Wiki | Fandom
If you are looking for the Races page, click here List of all pages and categories relating to races. To add an article, image, or category to this category, add [[Category:Races]] to the end of its page.
Eden Eternal Online – Global Release | Classic MMORPG - X-legend
Diverse races, each with its own unique characteristics, are scattered throughout a vast and beautiful fantasy land. Sword and magic will guide you as you explore the world of Eden. Create your own legend and become the Eternal One! Adept at various battle skills. Great attack and defense abilities.
Eden Eternal – Beginners Guide - Gameplay.tips
2023年3月26日 · Certain races excel in some classes due to their racial abilities and passives. Examples: Anuran Bard can play their songs 2 seconds longer than other races and can cast a healing aura around them as their racial ability.
Races - Wiki Eden eternal | Fandom
Les habitants du monde d'Eden Eternal sont de différentes races. Ils vivent dans diverses régions. Chaque race possèdent des talents uniques et propres. Malgré un nombre important de races, seulement cinq sont jouables pour le moment. Pour chacune des …
Relação da Raça X Classe ~ Em busca da Perfeição - Blogger
Quando criamos um personagem no jogo, a maioria das pessoas quer que ele seja perfeito, seja se defendendo ou atacando, fazendo dano critico ou curando, e em eden eternal não podia deixa de ser diferente. Segue então uma lista ou uma tabela da relação entre as classes e raças, com os bonus e atributos.
Google Doc for all information on Eden Eternal (Relaunch)
2023年3月28日 · With Eden Eternal is relaunching in Q2 2023, I decided to put in lots of time to write an extensive guide for the game with the help of some Eden Eternal veterans providing information about the game.
Racial Crafting | Eden Eternal Wiki | Fandom
Racial Crafting is a system that allows players to create various items from materials gathered from guild towns. Each of the five playable character races has its own exclusive racial crafting...
Eden Eternal Game Guide
In Eden Eternal, there are currently two races available for players to choose from. Selecting a race affects where you'll begin and your characteristics.