Endonym and exonym - Wikipedia
An exonym / ˈɛɡzənɪm / (also known as xenonym / ˈzɛnənɪm /) is an established, non-native name for a group of people, individual person, geographical place, [1] language, or dialect, …
English exonyms - Wikipedia
An English exonym is a name in the English language for a place (a toponym), or occasionally other terms, which does not follow the local usage (the endonym). Exonyms and endonyms …
Exonym and endonym - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
An exonym is a name of a person, a people group, language, or place used by people of other places and languages. An endonym is a name that people of a certain place and language call …
Category:Exonyms - Wikipedia
The main article for this category is Exonyms. Articles relating to exonyms: common, external names for a geographical place, group of people, individual person, or a language/dialect, that …
Exonym – Wikipedia
En exonym är ett ortnamn på ett för orten främmande språk, till exempel franskans "Suède" för Sverige eller svenskans "Frankrike" (som på franska heter France) och även med samma …
exonym - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年1月2日 · exonym (plural exonyms) An external name for a place, people or a language used by outgroup members (such as foreigners) instead of ingroup members (such as native …
エンドニムとエクソニム - Wikipedia
エンドニム (英: endonym)と エクソニム (英: exonym)とは、特定の 地名 (toponym) 、 民族名 (ethnonym) 、 言語名 (glossonym) などを、命名の主体となった民族・言語に内生した呼 …
Exonym – Wikipedia
En Exonym (vun greeksch exo „buten“ un -onymos „Naam“) is in de Künn vun dat Namensgeven, de Toponomastik, en Oortsbeteknen oder anner Egennaam, de – in'n Gegensatz to't …
Exonym vs Xenonym - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
Exonym is a synonym of xenonym. A name given to a group or category of people by a secondary person or persons other than the people it refers to. Exonyms form a typical (but very useful) …
Definition and Examples of Exonyms and Endonyms - ThoughtCo
2018年1月4日 · Exonyms are the names that a place is referred to by those not native to the region. Endonyms are the names used by the local people.