What are some possible causes of female infertility?
2016年10月17日 · PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility. 9 It is a condition in which a woman's ovaries and, in some cases, adrenal glands produce more androgens (a type of hormone) than normal. High levels of these hormones interfere with the development of ovarian follicles and release of eggs during ovulation.
Fertility Treatments for Females | NICHD - NICHD - Eunice …
2016年5月31日 · Surgical Treatments for Female Infertility If disease of the fallopian tubes is the cause of infertility, surgery can be used to repair the tubes or remove blockages in the tubes. Success rates of these types of surgery, however, are low (approximately 20%, depending on the skill of the surgeon).
How common is infertility? | NICHD - NICHD - Eunice Kennedy …
2018年2月7日 · Infertility and Fertility. About. How common is infertility? What are some causes of infertility? What age-related factors may be involved with infertility in females and males? What are some possible causes of female infertility? What are some possible causes of male infertility?
Infertility and Fertility | NICHD - NICHD - Eunice Kennedy Shriver ...
2017年1月31日 · “Infertility” is a term used to describe the inability of a couple to get pregnant or the inability of a woman to carry a pregnancy to term. Infertility is defined clinically as not being able to achieve pregnancy after 1 year of having regular, unprotected intercourse, or after 6 months if the woman is older than 35 years of age. Many different medical conditions and …
Infertility and Fertility - NICHD - Eunice Kennedy Shriver National ...
2020年4月9日 · PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility. 9 It is a condition in which a woman's ovaries and, in some cases, adrenal glands produce more androgens (a type of hormone) than normal. High levels of these hormones interfere with the development of ovarian follicles and release of eggs during ovulation.
What do we know about idiopathic or unexplained infertility in …
2017年1月31日 · This diagnosis applies to about 30% of female infertility cases 1 and about 50% of male infertility cases. 2 In some cases, however, knowing the exact cause may not be necessary. The health care provider may begin treatment to improve the chances of conception, including fertility treatments , even if no cause can be identified.
How is infertility diagnosed? | NICHD - NICHD - Eunice Kennedy …
2017年1月31日 · Laparoscopy (pronounced lap-uh-ROS-kuh-pee) is a surgery in which a small viewing instrument, called a laparoscope, is inserted through a small cut in the abdomen to examine the female reproductive organs. If the procedure identifies blockages in the fallopian tubes, the blockages can be surgically treated with instruments attached to the ...
What lifestyle and environmental factors may be involved with ...
2016年12月19日 · Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can cause infertility in females and males. Those who have to undergo these types of treatments may want to consider fertility preservation . NICHD research also shows that exposure to persistent organic pollutants and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the environment can also affect male and female ...
How common is male infertility, and what are its causes?
2012年6月11日 · One-third of infertility cases are caused by male reproductive issues, one-third by female reproductive issues, and one-third by both male and female reproductive issues or by unknown factors.
Treatments for Infertility Resulting from PCOS - NICHD
2024年7月26日 · This drug is the most common treatment for infertility in women with PCOS. 1 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends clomiphene as the primary medication for women with PCOS-related infertility. It is also U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for treating PCOS-related infertility. 6